Friday, November 17, 2017

How To Choose Right Fencing Pipes?

There is so much information to consider when you are thinking of putting in new fences. The research begins with numerous internet searches which come back with thousands of hits. 

There are numerous choices about the types of fencing pipes you can put up in your backyard. Whether you select the wooden fence or the chain link fence, what matters the most is that you opt for high-quality fencing pipes

If you have selected the fencing pipes, the next question that arises is that how would you be able to know is the pipe strong and of good quality? Here are a few pointers to help you select the right kind of fencing pipe:

  1. Used pipes
    Some people swear on using the used pipes for fencing. The used pipes are inexpensive, easily available and look almost as good as new pipes. While they might look good in the beginning, the used fencing pipes might revel pitting, flaking, rust, and other wear and tear later.

  2. Compare
    If you are thinking of getting used fencing pipes, pick it and up and compare it with new pipes. It will be lighter. Why? Because the majority of used pipes come from the oilfields where they can no longer be used. 

    These pipes pump salt water along with acid all day in the oil fields. The sucker rods go up and down the pipes constantly making them thin everyday. Even if the pipes look good from outside, then have poor thickness which makes them not right for fence use.

  3. Categories of new fencing pipes

    While the new and unused pipes are obviously better, all new pipes are not all same. There are different categories of the new pipes too:

    1. Good
      Good fencing pipes are generally the dead ends which have no holes, no unwelded seams and are straight. 
    2. Seconds
      The secondary fencing pipes are good pipes with minor flaws and random length.
    3. Reject
      The rejected fencing pipes are the ones with one or more defects. The defects generally include bows, unwelded seams, and fluctuating thickness. These rejects vary from mill to mill. Rejects and the seconds are the most common choices for fencing pipes.

If you are looking to install quality fencing pipes or fences in your home, contact Aruvil. They are experts in the fencing industry since 1978.

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